Painting on wood Little Shop Of Colors Green Green Shadow 500ml is an acrylic painting that recalls the old casein paints thanks to its high capacity of chalk which gives it a unique look. This painting on wood will give a stunning rendering your surfaces. Its formulation gives it lasting technical properties in terms of application, adhesion and finish. The new range of Woodpaint Little Shop of Colors offers a wide range of varieties of effects: a contemporary type of finish, an insured effect on paneling or a patina on classical furniture. The diluted amount of water will vary rendering and obtain a powdery appearance of a matt paint or a glazed appearance while revealing the details of your wood. Features: Paint ready to use Render Matt Coverage: 12 m2 / liter Dry to the touch in 30 min Recoatable in 4 hours Cleaning and dilution with water Usage: Furniture and interior woodwork Preparation: New wood or rough: no preparation required other surface: lightly sand, clean and degrease the wall and apply a layer of the range "Restart". NF P 74-201 and 2, ref. DTU 59.1 "works of painting" defines the professional standards of preparation required. It is the applicator to ensure compliance with these rules because it liable. Technique: Wood Effect grown old: Apply an even layer of woodpaint the desired color, not to mention the hidden parts and moldings. Let dry. Rub a paraffin wax candle on the most exposed protrusions wear, emphasizing the details that you want graining and scratch Carefully remove the excess thickness of paraffin and cover with a layer of woodpaint, of another color. Let dry. Using a thick steel wool (steel wool medium No. 3), remove the surface color working in the grain, so as to discover places the bottom layer. painted wood effect: Using a graining brush, apply a clear and perfectly dry printing a light veil of "woodpaint" diluted with 1 to 1.5 parts water to reproduce the wood grain. LASURE wood effect: Use a dose of "woodpaint" diluted with 3 parts water to a semi transparent finish that reveals the grain of raw wood. Packaging: Delivered in its original packaging