The Rupes Sponge Pads With Expanded Resin Are Specifically Designed For Rotary Polishing Systems. They Produce Excellent Results, With A Substantial Time Saing And Reduced Paste Consumption. The Bigfoot Orbital Moement Creates High Mechanical Stress On The Sponge Pads, Generating An Increase In Internal Temperature. The Innoatie "Open Cell" Structure Of The Bigfoot Pads Preents Heat Build-Up During The Polishing Process. Furthermore, This Particular Structure Guarantees Maximum Efficiency In The Polishing Process, With Minimal ertical Pressure For The Operator. The Central Hole Allows For Superior entilation And Heat DispVersion Along Special Channels In The Backing Plate. The Innoatie Troncoconical Design Optimizes The Performance Of The Large Diameter Orbit, While Also Protecting Against Accidental Contact Between The Backing Plate And The Working Surface.